Sunday, March 6, 2011

Some Hair Here, No Hair There...

I've survived two weeks of radiation and so far, so good. It is a huge pain to get off the train, hop on the subway and then walk 10 minutes to Sloan Kettering - EVERY week day. And having moved to the suburbs, I forgot how dirty the subway is. I guess because of my heightened consciousness about my health I now notice it more. I see and hear people hacking and coughing left and right and it makes me nervous. Even though I'm done with chemo and my blood counts should be back to normal, I still feel I should be avoiding these sickly people. The first thing I do at Sloan is douse my hands and wrists with purell. Luckily they have dispensers everywhere!

Other than that, the big developments are hair-related.  Eyelashes: Gone.  Eyebrows: Almost Gone. Hair on Head: Growing back.  Very strange that some of the hair is still falling out and some is already growing back. Also, this might be TMI, but the hair under my arms and on my legs has, as of yet, not regrown. That's a nice thing. My showers still only last a few minutes.

So I'm actually looking quite strange. If you don't notice the lack of eyelashes, you definitely notice the weird eyebrows. That's because they haven't fallen out consistently. All of the ones closest to the bridge of my nose are gone but there are quite a few farther out. I guess you could say I'm the opposite of a unibrow!  I'm not sure what to do about this - do I draw in hairs closer to my nose? But that would look weird, too - it would be obvious that I'm drawing in fake eyebrows, I think. To date I have done nothing because I don't know what to do.  People seem to be looking at me a bit strangely and so when they ask me how I'm feeling I always say, "Very tired. And my eyebrows are falling out!" I say this just so that they know that I know that I look bizarre. I'm not sure what I think I'm accomplishing by doing this but anyway, that's how it's going.

The hair on my head is coming back. It's very fine - like a baby's first hair. And unfortunately there's a lot of white appearing! Otherwise it looks like it will end up my normal color (the oncologist told me to expect anything). Guess I will need to look into getting it colored when it gets long enough.  Boo!  For now, I'm still wearing my crazy hats.  I'm getting lazy and too tired of trying so I'm down to wearing black, grey and navy.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, if you use very short strokes with a little eyeshadow (that matches the color of your hair) and a stiff brush, you can draw on eyebrows that look pretty natural. But I'm sure you look great anyway -- will see you Friday!
