Monday, August 30, 2010

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow I have pre-surgery testing (blood work, EKG, chest X-ray) and then the meeting with the surgeon (Dr. Gemignani) where ALL will be revealed.  She should have the results of all my various tests and should be able to advise whether a lumpectomy is still an option or whether I will need to resign myself to a mastectomy.  I just want to KNOW! 

I will do whatever I need to do to move on with my life.  Just tell me and I will spring into action.  This waiting business is more than annoying.


  1. Hallo du Ungeduld, ich verstehe, dass die Ungewissheit zermuerbt, ich hoffe, dass alle Ergebnisse so positiv wie nur moeglich ausfallen! Sei umarmt, ich denke an dich!

  2. Heidi - thinking of you! Will be doing that all day tomorrow as well! I hope the meeting is as best as can possibly be. You are so brave. xxO

  3. Heidi,
    Special thoughts and prayers will be with you as you await and receive the news. You are an amazing person and I love your spirit!!!
    Love & strength. Ina xoxox

  4. Thinking of you today, Heidi & David. xo

  5. Heidi Good luck today. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are so brave and strong everything will be ok. Love, Megan, Ben and Ryan

  6. Thinking of you today and praying for the best possible news! Love, Suzanne

  7. We are thinking of you and sending you good vibes, Heidi! Your work buddies (Kate and a jillion other people)

  8. Most Gracious God our Heavenly Father we thank You for Your grace, and Your mercy. We thank You for being The One for Whom Nothing Is Impossible,we thank You for being Heidi's Healer, we thank You for making her blessed and making her a blessing forever. We thank You for placing a crown of pure gold upon her head, and delivering her from all evil and trouble. In Your Precious Son's name, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
