Monday, November 15, 2010

A little bit of bronchitis never hurt anyone

Last night I woke up coughing, coughing. This morning my chest hurt and I kept coughing. "Out of an abundance of caution" (as we lawyers like to say) I stayed home and called my oncologist. Normally I ignore signs of sickness until I'm on my death bed but I'm learning the lessons of this dance with cancer. I don't want to take any chances and it's always better to deal with things before they get too bad.

My oncologist ordered a chest x-ray. Turns out I now have bronchitis. She gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way until Thursday.  That's the day of my round 3. If I don't feel better by tomorrow (she gave me some strong stuff), I'm supposed to come back.

Looking forward to having my sis Jexy-Wex with me during this next round!!


  1. Jexiwex is coming soon!!!!!
    Go away bronchitis!!!!!

  2. btw.. i like the wig!!! you look super cute in the photo with your sweetheart Vid!!!

  3. hey Heidi,

    Deine Perücke sieht wirklich hübsch aus! Ich hoffe, die Bronchitis ist weg, bevor Jessi kommt!
    Ich denke an Dich und wünsche Dir alles Liebe und Gute.... DU SCHAFFST DAS!

    Ich drück Dich ganz feste,
    Deine Kathi aus Heidelberg

  4. Hi Heidi,

    Am loving the new wig. You both look great!

  5. You're wig looks awesome on you. Cornsilky. Wishing you luck on Thursday's treatment. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you daily. Enjoy some sister time with Jex.

  6. Liebe Heidi, die Perücke sieht wirklicht toll aus, sie wirkt wie echtes Haar.
    Schön, daß Jessi Dich in der nächsten "Runde" begleitet, ich wünsche euch, trotz Allem, viel Spaß miteinander. Und daß du schnell diese Bronchitis los wirst.
    Liebe Grüße aus EPPELE Margit
