Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another one bites the dust!

Oh, I am so happy!  I finished the last chemo session on Thursday!!!  Chemotherapy bites the dust!!!  I would be even more ecstatic if I didn't already have the joint and muscle pain starting.  Oh well.

Yesterday I went to see the radiation oncologist.  Unfortunately we had to wait 1.5 hours to see her which was very irritating. But it turns out I get a tiny break from medical procedures.  I don't have to go back until Feb. 10th for the "simulation" - they put together a mold that will hold me in place for every session so that exactly the same parts of my body get lasered.  Then I have to wait another week or so until the mold is ready.

Did you know that they will also put small tatoos everywhere they want the laser to be pointed?  Yes, they are real tatoos!  If I want them removed later I will have to go to a dermatologist. Why does no one talk about these things?  Maybe they're so small they're not noticeable? Another strange breast cancer fact - radiation tatoos!  Who would ever even think I would have to deal with tatoos?  Here I spent my whole early twenties resisting the temptation to permanently disfigure my body with pictures of small roses only to have boring, old dot tatoos put all over my chest!  Maybe I'll have them turned into pink breast cancer ribbon tatoos or something when this is all done.

 Oh, and I found out I have to go for radiation every day for 6 weeks, not 5.  Bleh.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

One week later...

I'm doing much better.  I still have pain but it's mostly in my knees and slowly disappearing.

And David found my black hat!  It was in with the newspapers, along with Max's astronomy book.  Huh??

Another thing I found out is that my hair will start to grow back about 6 - 8 weeks after my last chemo treatment.  The next one is on Thursday!  I will be very happy to be done.  My hair should start growing around mid-March.

Otherwise not much else to report.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Taxol, Round 3

Thursday I went back for my third Taxol treatment and found out some interesting news.

Falling - Apparently Taxol causes balance problems.  That is probably why I fell twice.  Also, the balance issues can be permanent!  My oncologist told me to be careful and to always hold on to railings, etc.

Menopause - Taxol also causes early menopause which it seems I'm going through.  It can also be permanent!

Finger Numbness/Tingling - I knew this was a side effect of Taxol and now I'm starting to experience it.  Typing is getting harder which means my job might get harder.  Eeeek!  And of course, this can also be permanent.

This Taxol is some serious stuff.

Saturday my joint, bone and muscle pain started again.  Yesterday it was awful!  I spend the day sitting around crying, feeling sorry for myself and being upset about the possibly permanent side effects.  I could barely move and it was so depressing!  Then I started watching TV and there was a commercial for a law firm specializing in disability:  "If you can't work and need help with disability benefits, call the Seelig Firm..."  I imagined myself no longer being able to type, trying to get govt disability benefits because I can't do my job, sitting around home useless and so started to cry, cry, cry...

Then I tried HGTV (which I never watch) and there was a guy who bought a house having just become engaged. He was excited about eventually having a family.  Then he lost his job, fiancee dumped him, bank was close to foreclosure, he owed more than he could sell the house for but the nice broker gave up her commission but then the buyers backed out and there wasn't even a good ending.  The bank foreclosed on him. What if I can't work and that happens to me (never mind that we don't even own a house...)???  Waaah!  More crying, crying, crying.  I was a wreck!

During one of the crying bouts, Leo came over and just stood in front of me.  Finally I told him I just didn't feel well.  He said, "You'll probably feel better tomorrow, Mom."  Then he let me hug him for a long time.  He went away and I heard a bunch of whispering between him and Max.  Suddenly Max came over and said, "Leo told me I should come over to you."  I told him I just needed a big hug and he let me hug him, too.  Then he skipped off.  They seem surprisingly unaffected by all of this.  That is a blessing.

Today I'm a bit better.  The thought of having permanently numb fingers and balance problems is freaking me out but I'm trying to remain calm.  There are worse things that could happen.

Also, I found out that even though my cancer is "officially" triple-negative, my oncologist said it responded slightly to hormones.  If I want to further reduce the possibility of BC recurrence, I can try hormone therapy after radiation ends.  She said it may not make a difference in my case but I think I will do it so long as it doesn't have any bad side effects.

Oh, I only have 30 eyelashes left on the bottom left which, even though it sounds like a lot, is not.  Try counting how many you have.

On top of everything else, I lost my favorite black hat!  Probably everyone who sees me regularly is quite excited and is giving a loud cheer and fist pump about this but it makes me sad.  Waaah!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

There's not that much to do in here...

Although you wouldn't necessarily see it this way, one of the "benefits" of chemotherapy is hair loss.

Let me explain...

It occurred to me a few days ago, while in the shower, that I really don't have much to do.  No hair washing, no shaving...all I have to do is wash my body and I'm done.  Really, there isn't much of an excuse to be in there.  A few days ago I tried...let the warm water run over me, "washed" my bald scalp with scented body wash, checked to see if my armpits needed shaving (no, they didn't)... I thought I had enjoyed the warm water a long time but it turns out I was in there about 3 minutes. 

So, it turns out applying my makeup takes longer than showering. 

I kind of feel like a bald man but they still need to shave their face, right?  I don't have any shaving.

I guess I win the "who can shower the fastest" award! 

Kind of cool. 

If you care about these things.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Taxol, you are not my friend!

Stupid, Taxol!

I thought you were supposed to be so much better than the Red Devil?  Why do you torture me with joint and bone pains?  I can't believe you can even overcome Tylenol-3 (tylenol with codeine)!  You make me feel very old, barely able to hobble up the stairs for days at a time.  And I am surprised that you can get me to wince with your sharp stabbing muscle pains.  You don't seem to do this to any other chemo patients! 

And now I'm starting to suspect that you are affecting the stability of my joints.  Why else would I fall twice within 2 weeks?  My poor left ankle is all swollen and my right knee is bruised and banged up.  Not to mention the gigantic spectacle I made of myself both times I fell!  Once on Christmas Eve, in the middle of rushing to get a seat in the packed church and the second time in the middle of the overpass rushing to catch the train.  I mean really, there was tea sprayed everywhere, purse and bag contents spewed forth and me sprawled right in the middle of everyone's path.  Three people stopped to help but you could tell they secretly hoped they wouldn't miss the train.  Was that really necessary?

What is the point of such behavior?  Isn't having cancer bad enough?  What, you want a piece of me??

I am not happy with you and your supposed "easy" side effects.  NOT ONE BIT! 

Well, the least I can do is get revenge and spread the word that you are not a friendly drug!  I have more than 25 people reading this blog and you have been exposed. So take that!