Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another one bites the dust!

Oh, I am so happy!  I finished the last chemo session on Thursday!!!  Chemotherapy bites the dust!!!  I would be even more ecstatic if I didn't already have the joint and muscle pain starting.  Oh well.

Yesterday I went to see the radiation oncologist.  Unfortunately we had to wait 1.5 hours to see her which was very irritating. But it turns out I get a tiny break from medical procedures.  I don't have to go back until Feb. 10th for the "simulation" - they put together a mold that will hold me in place for every session so that exactly the same parts of my body get lasered.  Then I have to wait another week or so until the mold is ready.

Did you know that they will also put small tatoos everywhere they want the laser to be pointed?  Yes, they are real tatoos!  If I want them removed later I will have to go to a dermatologist. Why does no one talk about these things?  Maybe they're so small they're not noticeable? Another strange breast cancer fact - radiation tatoos!  Who would ever even think I would have to deal with tatoos?  Here I spent my whole early twenties resisting the temptation to permanently disfigure my body with pictures of small roses only to have boring, old dot tatoos put all over my chest!  Maybe I'll have them turned into pink breast cancer ribbon tatoos or something when this is all done.

 Oh, and I found out I have to go for radiation every day for 6 weeks, not 5.  Bleh.


  1. hey!! maybe i'll get a pink ribbon tattoo!! cool idea! xoxo Jex

  2. They are your battle wounds! You could connect the dots...
    Heidi, you don't know me, I am a friend of Jessie and I just want you to know that you are a true inspiration to me and thank you for sharing your blog, I know things have been unbelieveably painful and your strgenth and courage have been amazing.

  3. Applaud your courage, writing about it helps defeat it. it tells the illness "i am not afraid of you" May our Lord cure you

  4. Congratulations on another big achievement! You have been through so much. You have really earned those unique tatoos. Wear them with pride!
    Aunt Judy
