Thursday, January 6, 2011

Taxol, you are not my friend!

Stupid, Taxol!

I thought you were supposed to be so much better than the Red Devil?  Why do you torture me with joint and bone pains?  I can't believe you can even overcome Tylenol-3 (tylenol with codeine)!  You make me feel very old, barely able to hobble up the stairs for days at a time.  And I am surprised that you can get me to wince with your sharp stabbing muscle pains.  You don't seem to do this to any other chemo patients! 

And now I'm starting to suspect that you are affecting the stability of my joints.  Why else would I fall twice within 2 weeks?  My poor left ankle is all swollen and my right knee is bruised and banged up.  Not to mention the gigantic spectacle I made of myself both times I fell!  Once on Christmas Eve, in the middle of rushing to get a seat in the packed church and the second time in the middle of the overpass rushing to catch the train.  I mean really, there was tea sprayed everywhere, purse and bag contents spewed forth and me sprawled right in the middle of everyone's path.  Three people stopped to help but you could tell they secretly hoped they wouldn't miss the train.  Was that really necessary?

What is the point of such behavior?  Isn't having cancer bad enough?  What, you want a piece of me??

I am not happy with you and your supposed "easy" side effects.  NOT ONE BIT! 

Well, the least I can do is get revenge and spread the word that you are not a friendly drug!  I have more than 25 people reading this blog and you have been exposed. So take that!


  1. Boo, Taxol! Stop picking on our friend! You may think you are winning now, but she is much stronger than you, so watch out!

  2. watch out taxol!!ha! go Heidi!!!

  3. This bad bad drug certainly hasn't taken your sense of humor Heidi. You continue to amaze me with your posts. Hang in there...sending cyber punches to Taxol.
