Monday, September 27, 2010

Appointment Change

Hi everyone, my post-operation appointment with the surgeon has been rescheduled to tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/28) at 10:30 am. I will hear all about the pathology report, start coordinating with an oncologist and find out what's going on with chemo.

I will post an update tomorrow night to let you know about the nuggets of info I've collected.

The best news is that the drain will come out!!!  Ha, ha, it tried really hard to freak me out but I won in the end. Tonight my mom and I are laughing about the most recent grossness it dished out (aka, the drain's "last hurrah") and I am NOT freaked out. So there, you dumb drain!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi,

    So glad to hear you are feeling better and that everything is coming along and out swimmingly!

    Sorry I couldn't drop off the hummels, couldn't get onto the pesky bridge! Would you like me to try this weekend?

    Best of luck today, my dear!!!!

